What is your personal theory of change?

2 min read5 days ago



My theory of change is rooted in the belief that people, when empowered and equipped with the right resources, can influence and shape the change they’re experiencing. I aim to facilitate this process by helping people identify and use the resources around them effectively.

I want to help people make the best use of the resources around them to influence the change they’re experiencing.

My capacities and resources

I am good at uncovering needs and motivations and making connections between issues and between people.

I have cultivated strong relationships with a diverse range of individuals and organizations, including activists and thinkers who work creatively and collaboratively across professional and cultural boundaries. I also have established connections with local public services, universities, and civic projects, which provide me with a broad network to draw upon for collaborative efforts.
I need strongties with neighbours and local businesses.

Change happens because people feel the need, opportunities and trust to work with others to tackle urgent, necessary and feasible challenges.

I am acutely aware of my responsibilities, not just to my family, friends, and colleagues, but also to the wider community I serve. I feel a strong sense of accountability to the people I work with, and this drives me to strive for positive change.

What bothers me is that there are fewer and fewer opportunities for people to connect with and understand people who don’t think, look or live like us.

When I embark on a new endeavor, my first step is always to delve into the motivations and actions of those involved. I am driven by a deep-seated passion to understand what inspires people, what drives them to effect change, and what encourages them to share their experiences.

  • My vision is to foster deep and meaningful connections between individuals from diverse backgrounds. I believe that by understanding and appreciating our differences, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society.
  • Understand what makes people tick/connect people emotionally to the place they work in
  • How do webring people together around common causes in

What challenges do you face?

  • Help people understand how to navigate & catalyse change within and between organisations across a local area.
  • Help join the dots between different people’s priorities to adjust to better influence systemic impacts and what can mobilise them.
  • Help create spaces & situations where people can develop their skills and try leading.


Giving people the confidence to be open and vulnerable in trying out new ways of working things out together where people represent themselves rather than themselves

Creating spaces where people understand each other and which reduce inequalities of power

What is your theory of change?




Head of Policy Design, Scrutiny & Partnerships @newhamlondon #localgov Co-founder of #systemschange & #servicedesign progs. inspired by @cescaalbanese